Monday, January 30, 2012

Short List

1. Coming Soon
The Hunger Games has begun a whole new fantasy world similiar to Harry Potter and Twilight. It couldn't be more perfect to draw a rich, exciting story from the dullness of District 9. There is an overall seriousness to the whole trailer, life or death, that kind of thing. The trailer, never giving too much away, entralls its viewers with the classic underdog story, everyone roots for the underdog.

                                                               2. My Friend Made This
My friend actually happens to be my brother, a former Homestead High School student. During his time at Homestead he won a People's Choice Award for his art and he participated in art club and guitar club. The sadness evoked in his drawing on the left is evoked from the Beatles song, My Guitar Gently Weeps. This picture describes him in numerous ways, the guitar playing, and the type of music he likes. His picture on the right, is made of charcoal, and I believe it is Jimi Hendrix. Jake is not only an interesting and talented artist, but he expresses his musical interest through his art.

                                                                                    3. This Happened
Marriage is commonly known as a bondage of love between two people, that is, two living and breathing human beings. That is, until Erika Eiffel declared her love to the Eiffel Tower and changed her name to represent the love that she contained for the tower. Erika participated in a commitment ceremony to the tower and is somehow married to the inadament object. However, she supposedly has a disorder that makes her love objects rather than people. This story isn't anything but unique and extremely odd, but somehow intriguing.


  1. thats so wierd!that would make a great story

  2. Your Coming Soon and This Happened topics sound the most interesting. I think the This Happened topic could be really funny to talk about!

  3. I love your brother's artwork. He's so talented!

  4. I was thinking about writing about the Hunger Games trailer too! I think it'll be interesting to see how the movie compares to book.

  5. WOW your brothers work is amazing!!
