Thursday, February 2, 2012

Reading Log #3

I started the second Hunger Games book, but for some reason I wasn't interested anymore. As I searched for a new book to read, I decided to read a book that would help me grow in my faith, that's why I picked up Crazy Love off of my shelf and began to read. This book is INCREDIBLE. Every page is jam-packed with eye opening realizations. I've learned so much and I'm not even done yet. As a warning, if you aren't a religious person, you might not enjoy this, but it is something that is important to me enough to share.

"God knew me before He made me" (58).

This thought originally appeared as daunting to me..the fact that God knows everything I would do in my lifetime before I was even born, including my life after death, Heaven or hell. It's a hard concept to wrap your mind around. Skeptics crticize this all the time, why would He create bad people? I've come to the conclusion that He allowed us to have personal decisions in life, He just wants us to choose Him, and that's where some wander away from the only true Saviour. This leads me to the next thought..

"God knew who He was creating, and He designed me for a specific work" (59).

There are so many people today, specifically teenagers, who make destructive decisions and no matter what they try as an answer, there is only one true answer. Everybody just needs to understand that they are here for a purpose and no matter what happens, you can overcome it, because if you have faith, Jesus is with you. God designed each one of us differently, and we are each different in every aspect of our lives, and we should be thankful that He cares about us that much and he continues to love us no matter what.

To sum everything up..

"But I do know if God's mercy didn't exist, there would be no hope" (60).

Nobody is perfect. God is the only perfect thing in this world. We all sin, everybody, it is a part of our life, but you can either drown in your sin or ask for forgiveness and do your best to honor God through your actions everyday. I love this quote from Crazy Love, because it's so true. God's mercy is our only hope.

1 comment:

  1. cats are making a comeback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
